Lenser Filtration GmbH+Co. is founded in Senden, Germany, to produce new, modern plastic filter panels. The groundbreaking new products are in great demand and are in great demand. The company is establishing subsidiaries in many countries around the world.
Lenser Magyarország Kft.
Lenser Magyarország Kft. is established to supply the Hungarian, Romanian, Croatian, Slovenian and Serbian markets. Due to the needs of the Eastern European market, a structural change is necessary at Lenser Magyarország Kft.
International expansion
Makrofilt Szűréstechnikai Kft. is founded, which expands its activities based on decades of experience with Lenser products.
Innovation development
Innovation and technological development at Makrofilt Kft. Acquisition of a CNC milling machine.
Tender number: KMOP-1.1.4-11/B-2012-0174